Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Quick story : just sleep in your pee!

It's 3AM and my 3 year old son starts screaming "daddy my bed is sweaty!" I'm so tired from my 3 month old daughter waking up every 7 seconds (what it felt like) that I didnt make the the connection that "beds don't sweat".

I walk into the bedroom of this screaming banshee. And see a pee spot the size of an extra large pizza. I take off his pants, shirt, and his pull up (thank you Huggies for your inadequate "night time" product.) I then put the new clothes and pull up on.  And told him to sleep in a spot next to the pee. Seriously. I told me son to just sleep 6 inches to the left. He looked at me, then back at the spot, then back at me. And screamed "I need my bed changed too!" 

I threw a mini tantrum in my head that was the equivalent of a small tribal jungle war. If my son was a grown man. I would be in jail right now. 

So I switch his bed sheet. As I was walking away. He said "daddy"? I turned around and said what? He runs up to me and said he needed a "big hug and kiss." 

Man I hate my son when he is being cute and I'm pissed at him. 

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